- 0.6.1
- Fix Butcher tableau coefficient for Dopri5.
- Add OutputType::Continuous variant to be used with the continuous output model.
- 0.6.0
- Implement continuous output model to evaluate the solution at any point in the integration interval.
- Update Dopri5 and Dop853 to ensure that the last point is added if it's within floating point error of the upper bound of the integration.
- Add integration tests for Dopri5.
- 0.5.0
- Update
- Update
- 0.4.0
- Add generic type for the independent variable.
- Update internal representation of the solver result.
- Add bouncing ball example.
- 0.3.8
- Update the Butcher tableaus to declare the coefficients as constant instead of heap allocating.
- 0.3.7
- Fix a bug where the final step wouldn't be computed if rejected by the controller.
- 0.3.6
- Update the dependencies.
- 0.3.5
- Fix a bug in stiffness detection.
- 0.3.4
- Update the methods to use nalgebra's OVector to support DVector and SVector.
- Update the dependencies.
- 0.3.3
- Fix a bug in RK4 integration method.
- Add unit tests.
- 0.3.2
- Fix the iteration loop inside Runge-Kutta 4 method.
- 0.3.1
- Implement Runge-Kutta 4 method.
- Update the dependencies.
- 0.3.0
- Update to Rust 2018 edition.
- Implement the System trait.
- Implement a method to stop the integration when a condition is true.
- 0.2.0
- Update the dependencies.
- Use more idiomatic Rust.
- 0.1.2
- Change the signature of the function defining the ODE(s) to reduce the number of allocations.
- 0.1.1
- Implement automatic stiffness detection.
- Implement "backward" integration by allowing - to be positive or negative.
- Fix a bug in sparse output of dopri5.
- Add Lorenz attractor example.